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170 University Committees

Authority: Approved by the Board of Trustees

University committees have been established to deal with administrative policies, procedures, and issues pertaining to a variety of university-wide activities, programs, and services. Committee members are appointed by the University President, often based on counsel and advice from the appropriate vice president, and report to him through that vice president. The committee membership is composed of administrators, faculty, staff, and students.

Last Updated: February 13, 2025
Last Reviewed: February 13, 2025
170.1 President's Council on Inclusive Excellence

The President’s Council on Inclusive Excellence serves in an advisory capacity to the President on the development of policy related to diversity issues and development of recommended actions to promote and maintain a culture of inclusive excellence. In addition, the Council fulfills the statutory requirement for a “diversity committee” and is charged with completing the tasks required by IC 21-27-5-4, which are: 1) review and recommend faculty employment policies concerning cultural and intellectual diversity issues; 2) review faculty and administrative personnel complaints concerning cultural and intellectual diversity issues; 3) make recommendations to promote and maintain cultural and intellectual diversity among faculty members; and 4) make recommendations to promote recruitment and retention of minority and underrepresented students. The Council will also work collaboratively with offices and organizations across campus designed to serve underrepresented minorities including but not limited to the Charles Brown African American Cultural Center, Multicultural Services and Programs, the Center for Global Engagement, the Disability Services Advisory Committee, Veteran Services and various resource centers within Student Affairs such as the Women’s Resource Center and the LGBTQ+ Student Resource Center, etc.

  • 170.1.1 Membership. The Council’s membership includes two (2) faculty, two (2) staff, one (1) undergraduate student, one (1) graduate student, one (1) community member, five (5) at-large appointments and one (1) representative from officially recognized affinity groups as maintained by the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. There are (4) four affinity groups (Asian Pacific/Islander Caucus, Black Faculty and Staff Caucus, Hispanic Organization for Leadership and Advocacy, and LGBTQ+ Faculty and Staff Caucus). Ex-officio members include the Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence, the Director for Equal Opportunity/Senior Deputy Title IX Coordinator, the Assistant to the President for Human Relations, a representative of the Office of Human Resources and a representative from University Communications.
  • 170.1.2 Nomination. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the University President for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. The Student Government Association shall submit two nominations for the undergraduate student representative. The Graduate Student Association shall submit two nominations for the graduate student representative. Each affinity group shall submit two nominations for their representative when vacant. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15th of each year. Nominations, including self-nominations, from campus will be solicited for the at-large positions.
  • 170.1.3 Appointments. The University President will make the faculty, staff and student appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance units and affinity groups. The community and at-large representatives will be selected by the President in consultation with the Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence.
  • 170.1.4 Terms. Faculty, Staff, Affinity Group, and Community Representatives will serve three-year staggered terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Students serve a one-year term and are eligible to be nominated for additional terms as long as they remain a full-time student. Terms run from July 1 through June 30.
  • 170.1.5 Voting. All members of the committee, including ex-officio members, have voting rights.
  • 170.1.6 Leadership and Oversight. The Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence will serve as the Chair of the Council. Annually, the president will select a member of the Council to serve as vice chair. The president will select a member of the Council at its first meeting of the year. The Committee reports to the President and the Provost through the Associate Vice President for Inclusive Excellence and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost no later than June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, matters acted upon or considered during the year, and the four items required by IC 21-27-5-4, as detailed above in Section 270.1.
170.2 University Conduct Board

The University Conduct Board serves as the adjudicatory body for alleged violations of the Code of Student Conduct. Conduct Board members are selected to serve at conduct hearings in the manner proscribed by the Code of Student Conduct.

  • 170.2.1 Membership. The University Conduct Board is composed of seven (7) regular faculty members (one from each college including the University College and the College of Graduate and Professional Studies), six (6) students, and six (6) exempt/non-exempt staff.
  • 170.2.2 Nominations. Before March 15 of each year upon notice of a vacancy, the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee will inform each governance body and the Office of the President and the Provost of any vacancies that need to be filled fpr the following year. The Vice President will provide an application for anyone interested in serving as a hearing officer and information to each governing unit about the responsibilities of a University Hearing Officer. Interested persons should complete the application and submit it to the appropriate governance unit which will be responsible for screening and nominating individuals. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the University President for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. The Student Government Association shall submit two nominations of students in good conduct standing to the University President for each student vacancy. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15th of each year.
  • 170.2.3 Appointments. The University President makes all appointments to the University Conduct Board from the nominations provided by the governance units.
  • 170.2.4 Terms. The faculty and staff members serve staggered three-year terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Students serve for a period of two years. Terms run from July 1 through June 30.
  • 170.2.5 Insufficient Appointments. If an insufficient number of justices have been appointed to the University Conduct Board or if vacancies occur, the Vice President for Student Affairs has the discretion to make interim appointments until such time as the process in 170.2.2 can be followed.
  • 170.2.6 Annual Report. The Vice President for Student Affairs will provide an annual report to the Office of the President by June 30th of each year summarizing the activities of the Board and participation by members in the Board activities. 
    The way in which the Board conducts itself will be covered in the Code. 
170.3 Commencement Committee

The Commencement Committee is responsible for planning and completing arrangements for the Spring and Winter Commencement ceremonies.

  • 170.3.1 Membership. The Committee is composed of two (2) faculty members selected by the Grand Marshal in consultation with the Committee Chair,  and individuals serving in the following roles: the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Vice President for Student Affairs, the Executive Director of the Alumni Association, the Director of University Publications, the University Registrar, the Associate Registrar, the President of the Alumni Association, the Associate Director of Bands, the Associate Dean of Students, a representative of the Hulman Center staff, a representative of the Office of Public Safety, the President and Vice President of the Student Alumni Association, the Executive Assistant to the Provost,  and the Administrative Assistant II in the Office of the President and the Provost. The University Grand Marshal serves as an ex-officio member.
  • 170.3.2 Nominations. The Grand Marshal shall confer with the Commencement Committee Chair (Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs) to select two faculty members to serve on the Commencement Committee. All other appointments are by virtue of position held at the University.
  • 170.3.3 Voting. All members of the Committee, including ex-officio members, have voting rights.
  • 170.3.4 Leadership and Oversight. The Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs will serve as Chair of the Committee. The Committee reports to the President and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.
170.4 Performing Arts Series Committee

The Performing Arts Series Committee advises on the selection of the Performing Arts Series Programs. Its members also help promote the series and encourage campus and community participation.

  • 170.4.1 Membership. The Committee membership includes two (2) faculty, two (2) staff, two (2) students and two (2) community representatives. Ex-officio members include the Hulman Center Director and Assistant Director.
  • 170.4.2 Nomination. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the University President for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. The Student Government Association shall submit two nominations to the University President for each student appointment. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15th of each year.
  • 170.4.3 Appointments. The University President will make the faculty, staff and student appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance units. The community representatives will be selected by the President in consultation with the Vice President for University Engagement.
  • 170.4.4 Terms. Faculty, staff and community representatives will serve three-year staggered terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Students serve a one-year term and are eligible to be nominated for additional terms as long as they remain a full-time student. Terms run from July 1 through June 30.
  • 170.4.5 Voting. All members of the Committee, including ex-officio members, have voting rights.
  • 170.4.6 Leadership and Oversight. The Hulman Center Director will serve as Chair of the Committee. The Committee reports to the President through the Vice President for University Engagement and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.
170.5 Parking and Traffic Committee

The Parking and Traffic Committee handles appeals of parking violations and advises on parking-related issues including parking fees and fines, parking lot improvements, etc.

  • 170.5.1 Membership. The Committee membership includes two (2) faculty, two (2) staff, and two (2) students. Ex-officio members of the committee include the Director of Public Safety, the Assistant Director of Parking and Traffic, and a representative of Facilities Management.
  • 170.5.2 Nomination. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the Office of the President for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. The Student Government Association shall submit two nominations each year for each student vacancy. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15th of each year.
  • 170.5.3 Appointments. The University President will make the appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance units.
  • 170.5.4 Terms. The faculty and staff serve three-year, staggered terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Students serve one-year terms and are eligible to be nominated for additional terms as long as they remain a full-time student. Terms run from July 1 through June 30.
  • 170.5.5 Voting. Ex-officio members are non-voting members of the Committee.
  • 170.5.6 Leadership and Oversight. The Chair of the Committee will be selected from the membership of the Committee by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration in consultation with the University President. The Committee reports to the President through the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.
170.6 Student Media Advisory Committee

The Student Media Advisory Committee’s primary role is to advise the Student Media Executive Director and the Student Media professional staff on matters relating to the operation of the units within Student Media. The units are the Indiana StatesmanThe Sycamore, WZIS-FM, WISU-FM, Sycamore Video, Syc Creations, the Indiana State Sports Network, and Other units that are created or units that are reconstituted by Student Media staff will fall under the purview of the Advisory Committee.

The Committee shall advise on matters related to the policies and practices of all units and shall assist in furthering the educational mission of Student Media. In addition to receiving regular reports on the operations within Student Media, whenever practical, the Committee shall be consulted on major initiatives and informed on financial matters, and when necessary, the Committee may be asked to consider complaints and grievances relating to Student Media units.

  • 170.6.1 Membership. Advisory Committee membership shall include two (2) faculty, two (2) staff, two (2) students, and two (2) community representatives. The Student Media Executive Director is an ex-officio member.
  • 170.6.2 Nomination. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the Office of the President and the Provost for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. The Student Government Association shall submit three nominations to the University President for the two student appointments. The Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, in consultation with the Student Media Executive Director, shall submit two nominations for each community member. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15 of each year.
  • 170.6.3 Appointments. The University President will make the faculty, staff, community, and student appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance units and the dean.
  • 170.6.4 Terms. Faculty, staff and community representatives will serve three-year staggered terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Students serve a one-year term and are eligible to be nominated for additional terms as long as they remain a full-time student. Terms run from July 1 through June 30. Mid-term vacancies will be filled as soon as practical.
  • 170.6.5 Voting. All members of the Committee, including ex-officio members, have voting rights.
  • 170.6.6 Leadership. The Student Media Executive Director shall convene meetings and serve as Chair of the Committee. The Committee shall meet at least two times per year. The Student Media Executive Director shall prepare an agenda of items for each meeting, but committee members and the public may bring items before the Committee for consideration. The committee will report to the president through the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and will provide the Office of the President and the Provost with an annual report of its meetings, attendance, agendas, and matters acted upon by June 30 of each year.
170.7 Teacher Education Committee

The Teacher Education Committee (TEC) is charged with overall responsibility to assist in planning, approving, and coordinating the various changes in programs that prepare licensed educators for preschool through high school settings. The Committee shall make certain the University is in compliance with the regulations of the Indiana Department of Education and with the standards of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation and other relevant accrediting bodies. All curricular and other academic items which would have a modifying effect on educator preparation at the University are the purview of TEC.

  • 170.7.1 Process for Modification of Educator Preparation Program. Items which speak to a change in an educator preparation program offered by a specific department shall first be routed through the appropriate departmental and school committees and offices for action before they are forwarded to the Dean of the Bayh College of Education (BCOE) for submission to TEC. The Committee may also initiate proposals on behalf of interdepartmental and extra-departmental programs that prepare licensed educators and proposals on such matters as admission and retention standards and the evaluation of students in educator preparation programs.
  • 170.7.2 Communication. TEC shall also serve as a forum for the communication of information and the coordination of efforts related to educator preparation at the University whether or not policy decisions are involved.
  • 170.7.3 Membership. TEC includes twenty-two (22) voting members, nineteen (19) of whom are members of the Teacher Education Faculty, one (1) community member who is an elementary or secondary teacher or administrator, one (1) graduate student in a graduate program administered by the BCOE, and one (1) undergraduate student in a teacher education program. Ex officio members of the TEC will include the Dean of the BCOE, an Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, an Associate Dean of the College of Health and Human Services, an Associate Dean of the Bailey College of Engineering and Technology, the BCOE Accreditation and Assessment Director, and the Director of Education Student Services.
  • 170.7.4 Nomination. Voting Committee members shall be members of the Teacher Education Faculty, whether in the BCOE or in other Colleges’ departments, and shall be selected by their local oversight body (department, council, etc.) to ensure broad representation as follows: Elementary Education (2), Special Education (2), Secondary Education (2), Student Support/Related Service Professions (ACES) (2), K–12 Administration (EDLR) (2), English Teaching (1), Math Education (1), Science Education (1), Social Studies Education (1), World Language Education (1), Art Education (1), Music Education (1), Technology Education (1), and Physical Education (1). The Dean of the BCOE shall also designate as a voting member one (1) elementary or secondary teacher or school administrator. At the first TEC meeting of the fall, the Committee will also nominate one (1) undergraduate student who is in good standing in a teacher education program and one (1) graduate student who is in good standing in a graduate program coordinated by the BCOE for inclusion as voting members of the Committee for the remainder of the academic year. Votes to confirm these final two members will take place at the second Committee meeting of the academic year. If a voting member is not able to be selected in any area, the position will remain unfilled, and that unfilled membership will not count toward the total voting members of TEC for that academic year. In the event that a duly appointed Teacher Education faculty member is unable to serve for a year or part of a year, that faculty member’s local oversight body will choose a temporary replacement from its faculty to serve on TEC until the original Teacher Education faculty member is able to return. (If a selection is not made, then the seat will go unfilled for the duration of the absence, and the total voting membership of TEC will be reduced by one during the absence.) When possible, care should be taken in designating members to provide balanced representation in terms of race, sex, faculty rank, and experience.
  • 170.7.5 Terms. The faculty members of TEC shall serve three-year, staggered terms. The community representative and the students serve one-year terms. Faculty members may be reappointed for additional terms at the pleasure of their home departments.
  • 170.7.6 Appointment. The University President shall confirm the membership of TEC.
  • 170.7.7 Voting. Ex officio members are non-voting members of the Committee.
  • 170.7.8 Leadership and Oversight. The Chairperson of TEC is elected at the last meeting of each academic year by the voting members of the TEC and serves for one academic year. The Vice-Chair (who also serves as Parliamentarian) and the Recording Secretary are elected by the voting members of TEC during the first meeting of the academic year and also serve for one academic year. These individuals make up the Executive Committee, the duly authorized standing committee of the TEC. At least one of these voting members of the Executive Committee shall be from outside of the BCOE. If all three members are from within the BCOE an additional member of the Executive Committee from outside of the BCOE may be elected from the voting members of the TEC. The Dean of the BCOE or her/his designee will serve as an ex officio, non-voting member of the Executive Committee. The Committee reports to the President through the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.
170.8 University Archives Committee

The University Archives Committee serves in an advisory capacity for the maintenance and organization of historical records of the University and is responsible for making recommendations on policies and procedures related to these historical records as well as the University’s ongoing records management system in relationship to statutory and other legal guidelines and requirements.

  • 170.8.1 Membership. Membership includes three (3) faculty, three (3) staff members, and one (1) student. Ex-officio members are the University Archivist, the Registrar, and a representative from the Office of Information Technology.
  • 170.8.2 Nomination. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the Office of the President and the Provost for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. The Student Government Association shall submit two nominations each year to the Office of the President for the one student appointment. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15th of each year.
  • 170.8.3 Appointments. The University President will make the appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance units.
  • 170.8.4 Terms. The faculty and staff serve three-year, staggered terms with one faculty and one staff member’s terms expiring each year.  Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Students serve a one-year term and are eligible to be nominated for additional terms as long as they remain a full-time student. Terms run from July 1 through June 30.
  • 170.8.5 Voting. All members of the Committee, including ex-officio members, have voting rights.
  • 170.8.6 Leadership and Oversight. The University Archivist shall serve as Chair of the Committee. The Committee will report to the President through the Dean of Library Services and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, agendas, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.
170.9 University Athletic Committee

The University Athletic Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the President and the Director of Athletics in:

  • The formulation of policy governing the University’s compliance with the rules and regulations of the NCAA, the Missouri Valley Conference, and the Missouri Valley Football Conference;
  • The procedures for monitoring academic progress of student-athletes;
  • Matters of intercollegiate athletic policy dealing with appointments and reappointments to all full-time head coaching positions;
  • Recommendations on the appointment and reappointment of the faculty representative to the NCAA;
  • Standards of conduct appropriate to student-athletes;
  • The range and scope of intercollegiate sports for men and women at the University;
  • University membership in national sports organizations and athletic conference affiliations;
  • Procedures for selection and bestowing athletic awards;
  • Procedures for determining eligibility of student-athletes within the rules and regulations offered by the NCAA, the Missouri Valley Conference, and the Missouri Valley Football Conference; and
    The procedures by which athletic grants-in-aid are awarded within the rules and regulations offered by the NCAA, the Missouri Valley Conference, and the Missouri Valley Football Conference.


  • 170.9.1 Athletics Appeals Committee. The University Athletics Committee will oversee the establishment of an appeals board (Athletics Appeals Committee) for student-athletes who wish to appeal the denial of permission to contact other schools, or for other matters not including financial aid issues or drug test results; and of a subcommittee to complete a self-study of the athletic academic support services every three years as required by the NCAA.
  • 170.9.2 Membership. The Committee consists of 20 voting members appointed by the President of the University, being mindful of maintaining cultural diversity and gender balance.  Ten (10) are members of the regular, full-time teaching faculty, including the faculty representative to the NCAA; four (4) are administrators (representing the Vice President for Student Affairs, Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communications, the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, and the Vice President for University Engagement); four (4) are students; one (1) is a non-exempt staff member; and one (1) is a graduate of the University. Ex-officio members include the University President, the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, the Senior Women’s Athletics Administrator, and the University Registrar.
  • 170.9.3 Nominations. The governing bodies will recommend to the President two members for each open position. Faculty membership will be guided by the following: Not more than two (2) faculty members from any one College may serve on the Committee at the same time. The NCAA Faculty Representative will not be figured in this count. Each representative will represent the role of their respective appointment, i.e. the College of Education representative will represent the College of Education, and so on. In addition to the NCAA Faculty Representative, nine (9) faculty members will be recommended for appointment to the Committee by the University Faculty Senate including one from each of the Colleges (Arts & Science, Business, Education, Health and Human Services, Technology), one from Library Services, and two (2) from the university at large. Student membership will include the President of the SGA, who will serve during his/her term as President; one (1) student nominated by the President of the SGA; and two (2) student-athletes (one male and one female) selected from students nominated by the Student Athlete Advisory Committee. The Staff Council representative will be one of two nominees recommended by the Staff Council. The Alumni representative will be one of two nominees (one woman and one man) recommended by the Alumni Association Board.
  • 170.9.4 Appointments. The University President will make the appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance units, the Student Athletic Advisory Council, and the Alumni Association Board. Nominations are due by May 15th each spring for the following academic year.
  • 170.9.5 Terms. The faculty, staff and alumni representatives will serve three-year, staggered terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. The student representatives will serve one-year appointments. Appointment run from July 1 to June 30.
  • 170.9.6 Voting. The ex-officio members are non-voting members of the Committee.
  • 170.9.7 Leadership and Oversight. The Chair is selected by the President in consultation with the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. The Committee reports to the President through the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.
170.10 Assessment Council 

Purpose. The mission of the University Assessment Council is to guide and support assessment activities that improve student learning and student support services and promote the continuous improvement of the university’s programs. The Council is charged with identifying assessment issues, developing policy recommendations, facilitating and monitoring assessment activities, and promoting the adoption of best practices in assessment. It undertakes these responsibilities in recognition that the primary responsibility for academic assessment belongs to the faculty.  

  • 170.10.1 Membership and Nomination. The Assessment Council will be composed of representatives of institutional units who will meet monthly during Fall and Spring semesters. A leadership team will serve as the executive group to provide general leadership to the Council as well as support and facilitate the work of the larger Council. The members of the Assessment Council will be appointed as follows:  
    • a faculty representative selected by each college and the library;    
    • two faculty-at-large, selected by Faculty Senate;    
    • two Associate Deans, selected by the Council of Deans;    
    • one representative from Student Affairs, selected by the Vice President;    
    • one representative from Enrollment Management, selected by the Vice Provost;    
    • one representative from University Engagement, selected by the Vice President;  
    • two student representatives, one undergraduate and one graduate student, selected by the Student Government Association and the College of Graduate and Professional Studies;    
    • the Coordinator of Assessment and Accreditation; and   
    • the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs as an ex-officio, non-voting member. 
  • Each unit may appoint ex-officio, non-voting members to the Council when those faculty/staff perform assessment duties for the unit as a primary part of their position.  
  • Assessment Leadership Team. The following members of the Assessment Council will be members of the Assessment Leadership Team: The faculty members selected from the Colleges and the Library; the Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs; the Student Affairs representative; and the Coordinator of Assessment and Accreditation. The Assessment Leadership Team meets one to two times monthly, during Fall and Spring semesters.  
  • Terms of Office. Faculty and administrators will serve staggered, three-year terms. Those who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be selected for an additional three-year term. Students serve one-year terms and are eligible to be selected for additional terms as long as they retain full-time status. Terms run July 1 through June 30.  
  • It is expected that members attend and participate at meetings. Should other priorities regularly interfere with this commitment, the member is expected to consult with their representative body (e.g., college, division) to select a replacement. The Council chair may intervene with any member who is not fulfilling their commitment.   
  • Voting. Standing members of the Council may vote. A simple majority of members must be present to establish quorum to vote on any matter presented to the Council. This does not include projects assigned to ad-hoc committees for which they have been given the authority to make decisions without a Council vote (e.g., Provost's Award Committee recipient selection).  
  • Leadership and Oversight. Members of the Assessment Leadership Team will select a chair, vice chair, and secretary annually. The Committee reports to the President through the Provost and will provide them with an annual report of its meetings, attendance of members, agendas, and matters acted upon by June 30th of each year.  
170.11 Student Success Council 

Student success is a strategic priority of Indiana State University. Student retention and degree completion, while maintaining high academic standards and challenging classroom environments, serves our ultimate goals. To that end, the mission of the Student Success Council is (1) to focus attention and energy on key issues affecting undergraduate student success by raising and forwarding a thoughtful dialogue, (2) to provide oversight for and evaluation of the University’s strategic retention and completion initiatives, (3) to advise and advocate regarding policy and resource allocation in support of student success, and (4) to expect the use of data in concert with a broad, university-wide perspective to inform decision making.  

  • 170.11.1 Membership. The Student Success Council will be composed of 26 members. The members are: the Associate Vice President for Student Success; the Dean (or their designee) of each College and the Library; a representative from the Center for Student Success appointed by the Associate Vice President for Student Success; the Director of New Student Programs; the Associate Vice President and Assistant Treasurer; two undergraduate students appointed by the Student Government Association; the Director of the African American Cultural Center; the faculty chair (or his/her designee) of the governing bodies of each College and the Library, excluding the Graduate Council; the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs; the Director of Financial Aid; the Registrar; the Executive Director of Residential Life and Housing; and the Executive Director of Career Services.  
  • 170.11.2 Nomination and Appointments. Appointments to the Student Success Council are primarily made based upon the position the member holds as an employee or as the leader of a governance unit. Therefore, a traditional nomination process is not utilized for the Council. All appointments will be confirmed by the University President.  
  • 170.11.3 Terms. Individuals who are appointed by position serve as long as they hold that position. Individuals who are representing an area (Center for Student Success, University College, SGA) serve one-year terms and are eligible for additional one-year appointments.  
  • 170.11.4 Committees. The Student Success Council may, at its discretion, establish committees. Committees will be populated with the faculty representatives and administrative representatives of the Council in a fashion that respects the roles and responsibilities each have in fostering student success.  
  • 170.11.5 Leadership and Oversight. The Associate Vice President for Student Success shall be the Chair of the Council. The Committee reports to the President through the Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.  
170.12 Health Benefits Advisory Committee 

The Health Benefits Advisory Committee serves in an advisory capacity to review issues and make recommendations on policies and procedures related to the University’s health benefits program.  

  • 170.12.1 Membership. Membership includes two (2) faculty members selected from nominations from the Faculty Senate, one (1) staff member selected from nominations from the Staff Council, and one representative from each of the five divisions of the University. Ex-officio members are the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration, the Associate Vice President for Human Resources, the Assistant Vice President for Business Affairs and Director of Budgets and Payroll, the Chair of the Faculty Economic Benefits Committee, the Chair of the Staff Council Benefits Committee, and the Director of Benefits.  
  • 170.12.2 Nomination. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the Office of the President and the Provost for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. Each Vice President shall nominate an individual to represent their Division. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15th of each year.  
  • 170.12.3 Appointments. The University President will make the appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance and vice presidential units.  
  • 170.12.4 Terms. The Faculty and Staff serve three-year, staggered terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Terms run from July 1 through June 30.  
  • 170.12.5 Voting. The ex-officio members are non-voting members of the committee.  
  • 170.12.6 Leadership and Oversight. The Chair of the Committee will be selected from the membership of the committee by the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration in consultation with the University President. The Committee reports to the President through the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.  
170.13 University Budget Committee 

The University Budget Committee provides advice and counsel to the President on budget policy and the determination of funding priorities including the establishment of budgetary guidelines consistent with the overall strategic plan of the University. Members will also assist in providing clear communication and feedback to the University community regarding budget actions being considered; and will encourage the University community to share ideas on ways to cut costs, operate more efficiently, increase revenue and more effectively fulfill the University’s mission.  

  • 170.13.1 Membership. Membership includes the University President, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; the Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and University Treasurer; the Senior Vice President for Enrollment Management, Marketing and Communications; the Vice President for Student Affairs; the Vice President for University Engagement; the Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary of the Faculty Senate, the Chair of the Staff Council, and the President of the Student Government Association.  
  • 170.13.2 Terms. Individuals serving in the positions indicated in Policy 270.13.1 Membership will serve on the University Budget Committee as long as they retain those roles and responsibilities.  
  • 170.13.3 Leadership and Oversight. The Chair of the Committee will be the University President. The Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.  
170.14 University Speakers Series Committee
  • 170.14.1 Membership. The Committee membership includes two (2) faculty, two (2) staff, two (2) students and two (2) community representatives. Ex-officio members include the Hulman Center Director and Assistant Director.  
  • 170.14.2 Nomination. The Faculty Senate shall submit two nominations to the University President for each vacant faculty position, and the Staff Council shall submit two nominations for each staff vacancy. The Student Government Association shall submit two nominations to the University President for each student appointment. Nominations shall be submitted by May 15th of each year.  
  • 170.14.3 Appointments. The University President will make the faculty, staff and student appointments from the nominations submitted by the governance units. The community representatives will be selected by the President in consultation with the Vice President for University Engagement.  
  • 170.14.4 Terms. Faculty, staff and community representatives will serve three-year staggered terms. Individuals who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be nominated for a second three-year term. Upon completion of a second term, the individual cannot be nominated for at least one year. Students serve a one-year term and are eligible to be nominated for additional terms as long as they remain a full-time student. Terms run from July 1 through June 30.  
  • 170.14.5 Voting. All members of the Committee, including ex-officio members, have voting rights.  
  • 170.14.6 Leadership and Oversight. The Hulman Center Director will serve as Chair of the Committee. The Committee reports to the President through the Vice President for University Engagement and will provide an annual report to the Office of the President and the Provost by June 30th of each year detailing its meetings, attendance of members, and matters acted upon or considered during the year.  
170.15 Student Grievance Committee 
170.16 University Conduct Board 
170.17 Credit for Prior Learning Council

The mission of the Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) Council is to create and maintain consistency, transparency, and accessibility of prior learning assessment (PLA) processes across the institution. Specifically, the Council is charged to: establish baseline institutional procedures that create transparency and consistency for CPL; identify programs (current and proposed) that attract or have the potential to attract applicants seeking CPL; maintain a comprehensive list of established external credentials (licensures, certificates, etc.) and departmental examinations that count as CPL; establish and maintain the University standard for PLA by portfolio; regularly review best practices for fees associated with applications for PLA, compensation for reviewers, and administrative costs related to CPL; and ensure compliance with Indiana Commission for Higher Education (ICHE) policies on CPL.


170.17.1 Membership and Nomination. The CPL Council will be composed of representatives of institutional units who will meet monthly during Fall and Spring semesters. A leadership team will serve as the executive group to provide general leadership to the Council as well as support and facilitate the work of the larger Council. The members of the CPL Council will be appointed as follows: 

  • a faculty representative selected by each academic college and the Honors College;  
  • two faculty-at-large, selected by Faculty Senate;  
  • two Associate Deans, selected by the Provost;  
  • one representative from Enrollment Management, selected by the Vice President for Enrollment Management;  
  • the Coordinator of Assessment and Accreditation; and  
  • the Vice Provost for Academics, or proxy, as an ex-officio, non-voting member.

Each unit must identify new representatives no later than September 1 each year. CPL Leadership Team. The following members of the CPL Council will be members of the CPL Leadership Team: the chair of the Degree Completion Council; the representative from Enrollment Management; one of the Associate Dean representatives; and the Coordinator of Assessment and Accreditation. The CPL Leadership Team meets one to two times monthly, during Fall and Spring semesters. Terms of Office. Faculty and administrators will serve staggered, three-year terms. Those who have completed one term of service may be eligible to be selected for an additional three-year term. Terms run July 1 through June 30. It is expected that members attend and participate at meetings. Should other priorities regularly interfere with this commitment, the member is expected to consult with their representative body (e.g., college, division) to select a replacement. The Council chair may intervene with any member who is not fulfilling their commitment. Voting. Standing members of the Council may vote. A simple majority of members must be present to establish quorum to vote on any matter presented to the Council. This does not include projects assigned to ad-hoc committees for which they have been given the authority to make decisions without a Council vote. Leadership and Oversight. Members of the CPL Leadership Team will select a chair, vice chair, and secretary annually. The Committee reports to the President through the Provost and will provide them with an annual report of its meetings, attendance of members, agendas, and matters acted upon by June 30th of each year

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